What is an exercise electrocardiogram (ECG)?
An electrocardiogram (ECG), is a quick and simple test that evaluates the heart. An electrode (small, stick-to-the-skin plastic patches) is used to perform this test. They are placed on certain areas of the chest, arms and legs. An ECG machine is connected to the electrodes by wires. The electrical activity of your heart is then measured, interpreted and printed out. The body is not exposed to electricity. To keep blood flowing properly, natural electrical impulses coordinate contractions in the various parts of the heart. These impulses are recorded in an ECG to show the speed of the heart beating, the rhythm (steady or irregular) and the strength and timing the electrical impulses travel through the various parts of the body. An ECG change can indicate many conditions. To assess your heart's response when you exercise or stress, an exercise ECG is performed. The ECG is taken while you exercise on a stationary bike or treadmill. T...